Why Ask Why? - DevSavvy

Why Ask Why?

Over the years, developing websites has become more exciting and rewarding. At the same time, it’s become more challenging. See, new technologies present us with a need to rethink our strategies. Facebook has provided a way to get really target key audiences. Mobile technology allows us access to our audience on the go. It’s all just so exciting! But, consumers are smarter and more impatient than ever. So, if your web team aren’t asking the right questions, they are falling behind.

I recently worked on a landing page for a client. And, halfway through the project, I realized a disconnect. The content was 90% focused on the company. A large video was followed by a brief corporate introduction. Lower down the page, there was a section where you could download an e-book. It all seemed a bit disjointed. “Why?”, I asked. The question sparked an entire revisit for this landing page. Turns out, the client just wants people to download the e-book. However, since no one thought to ask the question, the landing page became a Frankenstein of corporate branding lingo and a weak call to action. Needless to say, we fixed that.

The questions I ask, as a web consultant, help me make better decisions.

Why? That question is the difference between a web developer and a go-to web consultant. The more your web partner knows about your goals, the more likely they are to develop the right solution to the problem. No, I used the wrong word. They don’t need to just know your goals. They must understand them. Without asking why, how can they understand the problem? Without understanding, how can they solve it?

Next time you’re working on a website project for your client, be sure to use a reliable website development consultant. If you’re keen to learn more about DevSavvy’s approach, contact us.