Top 5 Ways To Revive Your Social Media - DevSavvy

Top 5 Ways To Revive Your Social Media

Are you someone who has tried out this social media thing, but got stuck along the way? Maybe you don’t have time to put into it. So you have lost interest and motivation to stay consistent in your social media efforts.

You’re not alone.

55% of all small businesses report that they struggle to develop a successful social media strategy (Simply Measured). I think the one reason people fail is because they work without a plan. As a result, they burn out and lose that passion that got them started in the first place.

Here’s how I help my clients free up time while moving their social media efforts forward.

Revive your social media in these 5 ways:

1. Determine Your Goals

What do you want to accomplish on your social media platforms? Do you want to increase your online sales? Are you trying to increase your credibility as an expert? Are you looking to send more visitors to a landing page? I believe that everything in social media should have a call to action. Ask your customer to engage with you.

2. Focus on one platform at a time

It’s easier to grow your social media following if you put your efforts into one platform at a time. By growing loyal fans in one social media platform, you can speak directly to them and engage with them more consistently.

3. Be creative and consistent with eye-catching visuals

People don’t pay attention to large bodies of text on social media. I never read a post with more than 2 sentences. But, I’ll stay on a video or read a meme if it’s eye-catching. Increase your likes and shares by making your posts more creative with images, clean text, animated gifs and slideshow stories. For my clients, this effort alone has boosted their engagement statistics.

4. Invest in a social media management tool

Don’t try revive your social media posting by hand and on a daily basis. How will you ever have time to work on your business? Instead, opt for a scheduling tool like Hootsuite, CoSchedule or Buffer to pre-plan what will post out and when it will happen. For a nominal fee, a scheduling tool will save you hours of distraction.

5. Create High Quality Content

Your target audience is always searching for quality content. They want to engage but they will only do so if your content is relevant to them. And remember, they are only willing to give you a few seconds of their time. Don’t waste it.

Outsource your social media management to someone you can trust with your brand.

If your social media account shows little or outdated activity, it looks like your brand is unhealthy. Rather become top-of-mind with consistent posts and breath live back into your branding efforts. With my proven system, I strategically collaborate with you every month to represent your brand with integrity. It’s time to revive your social media. Let’s do this together!