Overcoming Challenges in Every Web Project

If you manage projects for your clients, you’ve come up against web project challenges. And, if you run a digital marketing agency, you’ve had your fair share of web project disasters caused by ineffective web teams.
So, what makes a good website development partner for your agency? And, how can a web partner help you overcome challenges in every web project?
Over a decade of working with agency-clients, I’ve learned the answer to this question has less to do with skill and training and more to do with communication. How your web team communicates with you is the difference between success and failure. Let’s look at common web project challenges we all face.
- Tight or unreasonable deadlines
- Unmanaged scope creep
- Slow response time from client and from your web team
- Waiting for content
- Waiting for content approval
- Waiting for (you get the picture)
- Site structure issues; mobile; desktop; browser specific
- Missing features requested in original project outline
These are common issues. So, how do we overcome them? We can. It’s all about communication. Many of the issues above have to do with setting expectations from the start. But, some of them, like scope creep, have to be managed throughout the project duration.
How Can A Web Partner Help You Overcome These Challenges?
One key strategy I use to help my agency-clients is to provide consistent feedback. When my team is working on a project, I’m aware of their challenges and issues. If they are waiting on a graphic, I’ll communicate that immediately to the agency-team we’re working with. Likewise, if a client has a need, we’ll make sure we understand their need and deliver it in a timely manner.
Get The Book!
Want to learn more about how to win clients and increase profits by partnering with the right website development team? My new book, Outsourcing Website Development the Right Way is available on Amazon!